Couples Therapy: Rebuild your relationship
Our professional couples counseling can heal your relationship issues. Reforge your bonds of love and friendship.
Are you considering couples therapy?
Are you and your partner in a rut and struggling to connect after years of being together? Is poor communication leaving you feeling unheard and misunderstood? Are your relationship issues or family problems making you feel sad and depressed?
Our professional Marriage and Family Therapy specialists all say the number one tip for people considering couples therapy is Don’t Wait! Often, people wait too long before seeing a marriage counselor to address their relationship issues. By that time, too much water has passed under the bridge for reconciliation to be possible, or other things have occurred to burn the bridge entirely.
Don’t let that happen to your relationship. Reach out for couples counseling before your relationship issues fester.
Can Marriage Counseling save the marriage?
Marriage vows often include the words “… to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…” Indeed, every long-term relationship will eventually hit difficult patches. This is because life happens! As a result, all relationships require effort to thrive.
The great news: research shows that 70% of people say that marriage counseling helped them salvage their marriage. And 90% of people reported improved emotional health after couples therapy. If you and your partner agree that the relationship is worth saving, and you are both motivated to make it work, marriage counseling is proven to be a good investment.
Some Mindfully clients even periodically reconnect with their couples counselor after their relationship has healed, simply to reinforce the skills they learned in their therapy sessions!
Get conflict resolution with relationship therapy
Relationship therapy can be a powerful way for couples who are struggling with conflict resolution. Skilled therapy provides a neutral and supportive environment that allows both parties to talk openly and be heard.
With expert facilitation from our Marriage and Family Therapists, couples can explore the root causes of their disagreements and learn effective communication techniques. Our couples counselors will guide both partners to understand each other’s perspectives, foster empathy, and break negative patterns that often lead to recurring arguments. Couples will learn more effective ways to express their needs and emotions, leading to more constructive and respectful interactions.
Get scheduled for couples counseling and start rebuilding trust in your relationship.
Looking for helpful relationship tips?
Here are a few tips from our professional couples counselors to help your marriage or relationship. Search on our blog and our YouTube channel for more great tips.
Loving others means learning to love yourself
Personal distress such as past trauma, depression, issues with anger management, or other factors can contribute to failing relationships with others. As a result, healing the relationship may also involve addressing these issues.
Our expert marriage and couples counselors are professional therapists who can provide individual counseling also.
We will help you get your relationship with your loved one back on solid footing, and help you find personal emotional and mental well-being also.
If needed... our couples therapists can mediate the divorce
If the relationship cannot be saved, our experienced couples therapists can play a crucial role in mediating the divorce or separation.
The therapist will facilitate open and constructive communication between both parties, guiding you through difficult discussions about assets, custody, and other sensitive matters, ensuring that both voices are heard and respected. By promoting cooperation and understanding, our skilled family counselors can help you reach mutually agreeable decisions, making the separation process less traumatic and painful for the whole family.
What To Expect in Relationship Therapy
Mindfully’s professionally-licensed couples therapists will get matched to your needs. Our relationship counseling sessions will provide you with a safe space to discuss challenging topics. If discussions become heated, our therapist can intervene constructively to guide the conversation without bias or judgment. Put priority on your relationship.
Reach out to us today to help.